Each day, during November, we will focus on one album.
To rate the albums we rate each track on the album as either 3 (Outstanding), 2 (Good), 1 (ok) and 0 (Hate it). Those points are totalled up and then divided by the maximum points the album could get (EG 10 tracks would equal 30 points, 10 x 3). Then times the figure by 100 and that gives you your percentage rating. This is a very good indicator of how you rate an album.
So here we are with the final classic album, under the microscope, this month, on White Lion Radio. We finish this trip down memory lane with the Soft Cell album "Non Stop Erotic Cabaret".
What an enigma Soft Cell were, they recorded some truly classic tracks before they imploded and this album was a big favourite of mine when it was released, although there were tracks I wasn't keen on and we will come to those shortly.
I'm sure I don't need to tell you, that their breakthrough came with their cover version of "Tainted Love", I bought the 12 inch single and loved the way they mixed "Where Did Our Love Go" into "Tainted Love", the B Side, which was a dub version I never liked and still don't, listening to it, it makes me feel queasy!!!
"Tainted Love" is one of THE classic 80s tracks. It was released in the summer of 1981 and hit the top spot in the UK Singles chart.
The album was released in November 1981 as was the single "Bedsitter", my favourite Soft Cell song, pure brilliance, I also like the B Side "Facility Girls", again I bought the 12 inch single which is fantastic, with both tracks receiving the extended treatment. "Bedsitter" 12 Inch is my 2nd favourite 12 inch single of all time. Once again this did well in the charts and reached number 4 in the UK Singles Chart.
The final single released off the album, is probably the greatest ever synth ballad, "Say Hello Wave Goodbye", released in January 1982, again I went for the 12 inch version and to this day I am undecided about the 12 Inch Mix, but that takes nothing away from the fact that this is a superb track, which peaked at number 3 in the UK Singles Chart.
Back to the album, they definitely picked the best tracks as single releases, however, some of the other tracks haven't aged that well and I do find it a difficult album to listen too these days. I certainly liked it more in the 80s than I do now.
Our track recommendations for this album, are, not surprisingly, "Bedsitter", "Tainted Love" and "Say Hello Wave Goodbye", with a special mention for the track "Sex Dwarf", if there was one word to sum up that track, it would be "fun". There are 2 tracks on this album that I don't like, never have, and they are "Frustration" and "Seedy Films".
If you grew up in the 80s I'm sure you will have this album in your collection.
Our overall rating for this album is 63/100
I will post the Top 30 list shortly when I have compiled it

The album is available from Amazon with bonus tracks for under £6 here
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